Hello everyone, 

I am really sorry, that I didn't manage to write my Blogpost in English yesterday... I was too tired and it was too late. 

But here we go now: 

Why was it too late yesterday to write my blog? Because I arrived at 8 p.m at home from my Weekend trip. I will talk about it in a bit. First i want to tell you some stuff about my working week, as always. 


We had beautiful weather the whole week. Good for us, cause we spent a lot time outside. 

We played, made a picknick and painted with sidewalk chalks. We grabbed the bikes and the scooters and went for a few walks. All three, but especially Arwynn really enjoyed playing in the puddle. 

Wednesday was St. Patricks Day. The night before Bre built a trap for Mr. Leprechun. We didn't catch him, but he left us some cookies ;) Everybody was wearing something green and for supper we had stew, sausages, buns, mashed potatoes and more cookies. Granny, Grandpa, Nini and Alain joined us. 


Friday after work I hit the road to Calgary. I was visiting Amy, a friend I flew here with. 

Saturday we (Amy, Estelle and I) went skiing together in Lake Louise. The weather wasn't that bad. 

We had sun, a little bit of snow and sometimes it was very windy. We skied a lot - from 11 a.m till 4 p.m and we just took half a hour break. 

We had a lot of fun and a lot to laugh about. We found out / talked about, that when we will move out in Germany to study, the important thing is a cup. With a cup you can do a lot - you can drink out of it but you also can eat out of it. For example soup or noodles but even something sweet cause you can bake a cake in it. And Amy is prepared for it, because she already bought a lot of cups here in Canada. 

Another funny situation was, when we stoped to talk about which slope we want to take. 

Estelle and I was standing a little bit higher than Amy and between us two men. I asked Amy which slope we wanted to take but in the same moment one man told the other, that he would have to get a lot of speed to ski this slope or he would have to walk a bit. Amy thought that the man was talking to her and said "thank you". But the men just said: " I wasn't talking to you! I thought you are with those other girl.", and pointed to us. Estelle and I could hardly keep laughing. We drove on and just had to laugh the rest of the way down.


As we arrived at the Chalet we just went to the car and hit the road home. 

On the way home, someone (it wasn't me hahah) had the idea that we can go ice bathing in a lake. Said and done. We went Ice bathing. 

It was my first time and I never thought I would do that. But I did it and I am a little bit proud of myself ;) 


Back at home, we had Burritos for supper and after supper Amy and I just went in the hot tub and let the day end with a glass of wine and some girls talked. 


Sunday we went Downtown to brunch and after that a small stop in a Mall before I hit the road back home. 


I had a wonderful weekend I am looking forward to the next Ski Weekend in April. 


That was it from my side today. I hope everybody had a good start in the week. 


The next post will come online just after easter, because I am on a trip next Sunday and almost the whole week. 


I hoped you liked to read my post. 


See you soon, 


Your Lara :)





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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Katharina (Sonntag, 04 April 2021 17:06)

    Hallo Lara, frohe Ostern aus Aschaffenburg. Ich lese Deinen Blog immer wieder sehr gerne. Eine weiterhin so ereignisreiche und schöne Zeit für Dich ! Bis bald, Katharina